The complementarities of Chinese and Western development finance in sub-Saharan Africa

2017-12-19 10:01:40 Viewed: 4545 Downloads: 3410
  • The complementarities of Chinese and Western development finance in sub-Saharan Africa

      Stephan Mothe and Frances Pontemayor


    Pub: 2017-12-19 10:01:40

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  • This article challenges the widely-held view that the competition for markets
    and influence between China and the West in sub-Saharan Africa is a zero-sum
    game, with few incentives or opportunities to collaborate. The study examines
    the history and operative framework of the China Development Bank (CDB)
    and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and presents two case studies
    – CDB’s loans to Huawei for telecommunications expansion in the region and
    IFC’s Africa Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (AMSME) Program – that
    exemplify each institution’s approach to sub-Saharan Africa’s development
    challenges. These cases, the study finds, reveal a complementary, rather than
    conflictive, dynamic between CDB and IFC’s interests and activities in the
    context of the region’s infrastructure and private sector development. The paper
    argues that these complementarities are too often overlooked, and highlights
    the potential for further cooperation, proposing a mechanism through which
    local governments, global financial institutions, and extra-regional players can
    coordinate efforts to maximize the developmental impact of investment-led

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  • Keywords

    China-Africa relations, Development finance, China Development Bank, Huawei

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