Chinese goods reshape Africa

2017-12-19 10:01:35 Viewed: 2143 Downloads: 2872
  • Chinese goods reshape Africa

      Antoine Kernen And Guive Khan Mohammad


    Pub: 2017-12-19 10:01:35

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  • In the context of rapid increases in Sino-African trade over the last fifteen years,
    this article examines the consequences of the proliferation of Chinese goods
    in the daily life of African societies and the rise of mass consumption on the
    continent. The impact of Chinese goods is frequently analyzed solely through
    the lens of their cheap prices, yet these products need to be further understood
    as contributing to the emergence of a new material culture. In this article, we
    focus on African consumers of “made in China”, as well as the key category of
    actors actively creating this new material culture – African traders themselves.
    Through an analysis of these traders of Chinese products, this article argues that
    their activities partially reconfigure local power relations surrounding access to
    extraversion – or ‘relations with the exterior on which those who dominate the
    society base their power’ (Bayart, 2000).

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  • Keywords

    China in Africa, Chinese goods in Africa, Material culture, African traders

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